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Visiting Friends


IDF officers at one of the FIDF Fairfield County events

Hundreds of Fairfield County residents had the opportunity to meet and spend time with three Israel Defense Force (IDF) officers last weekend when the
soldiers visited Connecticut for a series of events organized by the Friends of IDF Westchester/Connecticut chapter (FIDF), and co-sponsored by several local Jewish Federations and synagogues. Captain Gilad Pasternak, 2nd Lt. Ravid Kaplan, and Lt. Omer Raz shared both personal and military stories at events that included a parlor meeting in Greenwich, Shabbat services and dinners hosted by Chabad of Westport and The Conservative Synagogue of Westport, Shabbat services at Chabad of Westport and Temple Beth El in Norwalk, an event at Temple B’nai Chaim in Georgetown hosted by UJA/Federation Westport Weston Wilton Norwalk and the Jewish Federation of Greater Danbury, and a parlor meeting in Norwalk.
“Knowing I am protecting my home and family and that the [Iron Drome] system I was operating was saving lives filled me with a huge sense of pride,” Lt. Raz told attendees of one of the weekend events. “It is a great privilege to serve in the Israeli Air Force.”
According to the FIDF, the weekend of events raised more than over $300,000 to benefit IDF soldiers.

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