Celebrations Milestones

Jason Wasserman attends seminar for presidents of Reform congregations

Jason Wasserman of South Windsor was among 50 leaders of Reform congregations throughout North America to attend the Union for Reform Judaism’s (URJ) 19th Annual Scheidt Seminar for Presidents and Presidents-elect held Feb. 9 – 12 in San Diego, California. Wasserman is the vice president of Temple Beth Hillel in South Windsor.

Established in 1998, the seminar was designed to examine everyday congregational problems, explore Torah-based governance, improve leadership skills, network, and share successful program ideas.

Among the speakers were URJ President Rabbi Rick Jacobs and Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR) President Rabbi Aaron Panken, and others.

“To learn with so many energized, intelligent people who embrace the Jewish concept of tikkun olam, or repairing the world, was inspiring,” Wasserman said after completing the seminar.

“The role of the synagogue president is critically important to the vitality of modern Jewish life. Presidents are the cornerstone of congregational life, inspiring sacred action in their community, investing in our Jewish future, and repairing the world. The knowledge and tools these presidents receive at the URJ Scheidt Seminar enable their individual congregations to play essential roles within the powerful force that is Reform Judaism, as together we help more people lead lives of wholeness, justice, and compassion,” said URJ President Rabbi Rick Jacobs.

CAP: (L to R) Hebrew Union College President Rabbi Aaron Panken; Jason Wasserman, vice president of Temple Beth Hillel; and URJ President Rabbi Rick Jacobs.

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