Bulletin Board

Hartford Federation Annual Meeting to feature Lior Zoref, Sept. 16

On Wednesday, Sept. 16, the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford will celebrate community accomplishments, recognize outstanding service, and elect new leaders at the organization’s 2020 Annual Meeting and Celebration, to take place via Zoom.

The event kicks off at 6:45 p.m. with a community schmooze, followed by the program from 7 to 8:15 p.m. Keynote speaker Lior Zoref, Ph.D., TED presenter and author of the bestselling book Mindsharing, will lead attendees in a virtual crowdsourcing activity live from Israel.  

Other annual meeting highlights: presentation of the Henry M. Zachs Spirit of Judaism Award to Maya Schwartz for her work as a transformational educator teaching and sharing her love of Israel, the Hebrew language, and Judaism with her students at New England Jewish Academy, and Steven Kleinman for his commitment to preserving Greater Hartford Jewish life as a longtime Jewish community volunteer. The evening will also include the election of new members to the Federation’s Board of Directors.

Event pre-registration is required. Register at bit.ly/JFGH2020AnnualMeeting. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own beverage for a virtual “l’chaim.”

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