Bulletin Board Calendar


A calendar of events throughout Connecticut and parts of Massachusetts.

Local Jewish community organizations are invited to submit events to the calendar. Events must be received one week prior to the bi-weekly publication of the Ledger. Send submissions to Ledger editor Judie Jacobson at judiej@jewishledger.com. We reserve the right to edit calendar items.


Greenwich, Conn. (Zoom)— Asking Big Questions: Rosh Chodesh for Women and Mean: “How Do We Talk About Israel?”, 7:30 p.m. For more information, visit congregationshirami.com.


Greenwich, Conn.— Lunch and Learn with guest speaker, Rabbi Daniel Gropper, who will explore what Jewish tradition says about the value of growing older and what we might do to become ‘Modern Elders.’ 12:30 — 1:3o p.m. For information: ujajcc.org.

Worcester, Mass. (virtual)– Falmouth Jewish Congregation and the Worcester JCC present FREE Virtual Jewish Book Council Author Talk with journalist Andrew Lawler, discussing his new book Under Jerusalem: The Buried History of the World’sMost Contested City,” 7 p.m. Click here to register for Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtf-yupz4sGdIQBRwwxCtHqlNFMT6QCsfx


Longmeadow, Mass. – “One Shabbat One World,” Shabbat dinner with guest speaker Rabbi Tuvia and his wife, Chaya Teldon, who established a Chabad presence on Long Island in NY in 1977 and have been instrumental in establishing 38 Chabad Centers. Rabbi Teldon oversees the activities of 54 Rabbis in the largest Jewish educational network on Long Island; 5:30  –  7:30 p.m., at Lubavitcher Yeshiva Academy (LYA), 1148 Converse St. For information, call LYA at (413) 567-8665; email: info@LYA.org; or register on-line at www.LYA.org.


Fairfield County, Conn. (Zoom) — “The Calendar of Memory: From International Holocaust Remembrance Day to Room HaShoah,” a discussion of how and when we remember the Holocaust with guest speaker Prof. Avinoam Patt, chair of Jewish Studies and director of the Center for Judaic Studies and Contemporary Jewish Life at the University of Connecticut; 7 p.m.; sponsored by United Jewish Federation of Stamford, New Canaan and Darien and the Jewish Historical Society of Fairfield County. For information, contact Sharon Lewis, slewis@ufjf.org, (203) 321-1373 x1oo5. To register: uhf.org/IHRD2023. FREE (donations accepted)

New York, NY— Family Trip to NY; the Chabad Jewish Center of Glastonbury is hosting a family-style trip to New York to visit the Rebbe’s resting place (“Ohel”) in Queens, as well as some key Jewish sites in Brooklyn. Those interested in joining the trip should contact Rabbi Yosef Wolvovsky at cabader@snet.net.

Sherman, Conn.—Book talk with Andrea O’Conner, author of the Gaby Quinn mystery series, “Woodson Falls,” at 1 p.m. Copies of her book will be available for purchase. For information: jccinsherman.org.

Springfield, Mass. (virtual) – The Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts joins The Braid’s live on Zoom Season of Shows in 2023 by kicking off with “Remembrance of Things Present,” 2 – 4 p.m., and Feb. 5 at 7 p.m. The Braid: Inspiring Jewish Stories from the children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors, is brought to life by professional actors. Virtual link: https://events.idonate.com/thebraid1. See also Feb. 5.

West Hartford, Conn.— 13th Annual International Holocaust Remembrance Day, co-sponsored by Voices of Hope and JFACT; at The Emanuel Synagogue, 160 Mohegan Dr., 12:30 p.m. Keynote address: Joel N. Lohr, president of Hartford International University for Religion and Peace. Presenting Chesed Award to Nina Jacobs; Simon Konover Recognition for Excellence in Holocaust Teaching to Joe Goldman (E.O. Sith High School, and Rachel Torres (Newtown High School). For information: (860) 4705591, info@ctvoicesofhope.org. $20/kosher brunch; FREE for Holocaust survivors.


Greenwich, Conn.— Winter Wonderland Mom’s Night Out; escape for an evening of grown-up fun and relaxation with other women: enjoy hot mulled cider, baked goods, bread and cheese by a warm fire; we will make botanical soaps with Sara Just-Michael from Grow Torah. Hosted by UJA-JCC Greenwich. 7:30 p.m. at a private home (address provided after registration). For information: ujajcc.org. $36

Northampton, Mass. – “Jewish Family Jam,”, 10:30-11:15 a.m. An enriching, joy-filled, Jewish music and learning class for children to 5 years old and their caregivers. Explore Jewish holidays, language, culture and values through music, singing, movement and play. Open to all – no experience necessary. At Lander Grinspoon Academy, 257 Prospect St. Additional dates: Feb. 7. For information: jfswm.org/jewish-family-jam.


New Haven, Conn.—Yale Symposium on Holocaust and Genocide; at the Harkness Auditorium at Yale School of Medicine; 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Presented by the Yale School of Medicine’s Program for Biomedical Ethics. The purpose of this annual event is to engage an academic and medical audience, as well as the wider community, in a program designed to address issues related to the Holocaust and genocide of the Nazi era, as well as other examples more recently in history and to the present day. After four lectures on a wide spectrum of subjects, there will be a panel discussion on the increase of antisemitism nationally and internationally. This is an in-person event, but it will also be broadcast via zoom. Lunch and refreshments provided. FREE


Greenwich, Conn.—Refugee Shabbat Service, hosted by Congregation Shir Ami at First Presbyterian Church. Learn about how Shir Ami members are helping to resettle families from Ukraine, Afghanistan, and other countries, by working with JFS-Greenwich (a HIAS Resettlement Agency), and SIRS (Stamford Interfaith Refugee Settlement). Rabbi Levy will lead the service accompanied by Andrew Yeargin on piano. Register if you plan to join us in person so you can receive the passcode to enter the building. To register: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ejkkd4kmc22bb137&oseq=&c=&ch=

Longmeadow, Mass. – Tu B’Shevat Shabbat dinner and discussion: ‘Leaf It To The Trees! Ethical, spiritual, and mystical lessons from the Arboreal realm.” 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. at Congregation B’nai Torah, 2 Eunice Drive. RSVP by January 31: (413) 567-0036 or office@bnaitorahma.org.

Springfield, Mass. –Kabbalat Shabbat service at Temple Beth El, at 979 Dickinson St., with special guest, Cantor Elizabeth Shammash at 6 p.m., followed by Shabbat dinner, 7:30 p.m. Dinner:  $20-36 Sliding Scale (free for those under 13 years old). RSVP by Jan. 27.

Sponsors: Susan & Bill Firestone, Suze & Mark Goldman, Iris & Marc Linson, Dave & Ellen Ratner, the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, the Jewish Endowment Foundation


Springfield, Mass. – Families with children ages 6 and under enjoy Temple Beth El for a Fun Tot Shabbat Service & Hot Chocolate Party!  Service, led by Marlene Rachelle, starts at 11 a.m. at TBE, 979, Dickinson St.  Kiddush lunch to follow at 12 p.m.; RSVP by Jan. 30: (413) 733-4149


Cos Cob, Conn.— “PJ Library Crafts, Cookies and Coziness,” 3:30 – 5 p.m. hosted by JCC Greenwich at Greenwich Reform Synagogue, 92 Orchard St. Join other families with young children for winter crafts, cookie decorating, hot cocoa, pizza and stories. Pajamas welcomed. For information: ujajcc.org. $36

Springfield, Mass. (virtual) – The Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts joins The Braid’s live on Zoom Season of Shows in 2023 by kicking off with “Remembrance of Things Present,” 2 – 4 p.m., and Feb. 5 at 7 p.m. The Braid: Inspiring Jewish Stories from the children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors, is brought to life by professional actors. Virtual link: https://events.idonate.com/thebraid1. See also Jan. 29.


Longmeadow, Mass. – Chabad Women presents Part 2 of Israel Series, 7-9 p.m. in a private home. Learn about the mystical city of Tzefat where the Tu-Bishvat Seder began. Participants will enjoy fruits and create their own “Jarcuterie.” Refreshments will be served.  Admission includes refreshments and supplies. (Upon reservation you will receive the address of the home where the program is taking place.) For information, contact Chanie Cohen at (413) 731-1381 or chaniecohen@gmail.com.


Greenwich, Conn.— Men’s Paddle Event at the Inns Arden Paddle Hut, hosted by UFA-JCC Greenwich. Enjoy food and drinks by the first pit and play a friendly game of paddle (no experience necessary); 7:30 p.m.; For information: ujajcc.org. $360


Greenwich, Conn.—Tenn Changemakers’ Tutoring Services; tutoring for middle school through 9th grade in all academic subjects by volunteer high honor roll and AP students; help the Teen Changemakers meet their goal of raising $18,000, which will be matched and allocated to charitable organizations; 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., at UJA-JCC office, 1 Holly Hill Lane. For information: ujajcc.org. $50 per student. Also held on Feb. 15 & 23.

Longmeadow, Mass. (virtual) – Jewish Federation of Western Mass. presents a video series exploring the complicated history of Black and Jewish communities in America, 3-4 p.m.


Sherman, Conn.— Pancake Breakfast to benefit the Sherman Middle School Band & Chorus  all money earned will go directly to help the students with the cost of the Music In The Parks Competition this June. 9 – 11 a.m. For more information: jccinsherman.org.

Sherman, Conn.— The Hooligans with special guest Rory Gordon, will perform/ Evening will include a tribute to The Beatles. 7 p.m. For information: jccinsherman.org.


Greenwich, Conn.—The UJA-JCC Film Festival presents: “America.” Eli is a private, soft-spoken Israeli swimming coach living in Chicago. One day, he receives a call that his father has passed away. Upon returning to Tel Aviv, he meets up with his childhood friend, Yotam and his fiancée, Iris (Oshrat Ingadeshet, Best Actress prizewinner at the Jerusalem Film Festival), who run a flower shop together. Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, a tragedy sets off a chain of events for these three individuals, unlocking their hidden desires, secrets and torments. Israel (127 minutes). For information: ujajcc.org. Streams through 9 p.m. on last day of screening. $9


Worcester, Mass. –“Shared Legacies,” part of  a series of film screenings dealing with issues of race, including some focusing on the relationship between Black and Jewish communities in the United States, at Congregation Beth Israel, 15 Jamesbury Drive, 6 p.m., FREE & open to the public


Greenwich, Conn. (virtual)—UJA-JCC Annual Meeting, 7 p.m.; featuring guest speaker Gil Hoffman, “Setting the Record Straight on What’s Happening in the Jewish State. For information: ujajcc.org.

Maccabi USA launches ID Soccer Camp for Jewish teens

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