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Mandell JCC wins awards at Biennial

WEST HARTFORD – The Mandell JCC was honored with three awards at the JCCs of North America Biennial, held in New Orleans in early May. The honors include two Zahav Awards for Programmatic Excellence and User Engagement, and Brand Positioning and Messaging, and one Kol Hakvod Award for Jewish Impact.
In addition, JCC board members Michalee Merritt and Gayle Temkin were honored with the Esther Leah Ritz Emerging JCC Leadership Award for their leadership role in the Jewish Book Festival and the Family Room Parenting Center.
The award for Programmatic Excellence and User Engagement was given to the JCC for its Ambassador Program in which a select group of members welcome new members.
The Brand Positioning and Messaging award was presented to the JCC for its Corporate Partners Banner program, in which a banner was developed utilizing the JCC’s branding, key action words, member images and partner logos. The banners currently hang in the JCC’s fitness center and parking lot.
The Jewish Impact award was received for community collaborations with both the JCC’s film and Jewish book festivals.

Sandra Rulnick Wins Volunteer of the Year Award

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