Ledger Editorial Archives

The Olympics: We will just ignore them

In April the Ledger editorialized about boycotting the Olympic Games in Bejing. We expressed our opinion that we ought not allow China to define herself in terms of international games while at the same time she is the protagonist of evil around the world in places like Tibet, Darfur and the many countries where nuclear arms are being contemplated, especially those in Israel’s neighborhood. Our historical model for our reasoning is the 1936 Olympics in Berlin where the free world legitimized the showcasing of Nazi power and ideology.

Since our editorial there have been a few other Jewish organizations calling for similar actions, but a boycott by most is considered ineffective and quixotic.

This doesn’t dissuade us. We intend to ignore the news generated by this sporting event and give priority to other news from around the world. We’ll leave it to others to cover the ëgames’, but we do hope that some organizations in the Jewish media follow our example and boycott the news of this charade in Bejing. It’s easy to do. Just ignore them.

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