
Glastonbury rabbi to join ‘Journey for Justice’

On Saturday, Sept. 5, Rabbi Craig Marantz of Congregation Kol Haverim in Glastonbury will travel to Raleigh, N.C., to take part in America’s Journey for Justice (http://www.naacp.org/ajfj), an historic 40-day, 860-mile march from Selma, Alabama, to Washington, D.C. The Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism is organizing  hundreds of rabbis in partnership with the NAACP for the Journey, which will mobilize activists and advance a focused advocacy agenda protecting the right of every American to a fair criminal justice system, uncorrupted and unfettered access to the ballot box, sustainable jobs with a living wage, and equitable public education.

The march began August 1 in Selma at the Edmund Pettus Bridge and will conclude Sept. 16 in Washington with a rally at the Lincoln Memorial. The Journey for Justice partnership between the Reform Movement and the NAACP reflects the long history of collaboration between our communities. You can learn more about the Journey at http://bit.ly/JourneyJustice.

Rabbi Marantz is inviting anyone interested to join the Journey. Please contact rabbimarantz@kolhaverim.org for details and register on the link through the NAACP website. To read a message from Rabbi Marantz at http://bit.ly/RabbiMarantzJourney.

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