US/World News

Jewish groups call for tougher gun laws

(JTA) – Jewish groups responded to the mass shooting in Las Vegas – the deadliest in U.S. history – by condemning the violence and calling for gun control legislation. The Anti-Defamation League, B’nai B’rith International, the National Council of Jewish Women and the Reform movement were among the groups that called for tougher gun control laws in the attack’s aftermath.

“While we are still learning details and do not know the impetus for the killings, one thing is clear: the threat of mass violence against innocent civilians in America has not abated. This threat must be taken seriously,” Anti-Defamation League National Director Jonathan Greenblatt said in a statement. He called for the enactment of “tough, effective gun violence prevention measures.” B’nai B’rith International said it is “well past time for meaningful, bipartisan gun violence legislation in this country.” It also said: “Though information about the shooter and his arsenal is still being uncovered, we have long held there is no acceptable, reasonable need for civilians to have access to large rounds of ammunition.” National Council of Jewish Women CEO Nancy Kaufman in a statement called on federal lawmakers to “act now to restrict access to automatic weapons, reject the current bill before Congress that would make it easier to buy silencers, and instead focus on how to make our communities and our country safer.” Ronald Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, said, “On behalf of world Jewry, I condemn this horrific criminal act.”

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