Southern New England News

Have you got a story to tell?

WEST HARTFORD – People of all ages and backgrounds with Jewish-themed stories to tell are invited to speak up at the third annual evening of Jewish storytelling hosted by Jewish Teen Learning Connection (JTConnect) on Saturday evening, Feb. 24.

Modeled after NPR’s The Moth, “Mishegas: An Evening of Storytelling” will feature a diverse group of seven or eight local storytellers sharing true stories about a funny, joyous or significant Jewish moment in their lives.

Previous “Meshegas” evening have included stories that are funny, entertaining and poignant, about foiled pot roasts and homemade kasha varnishkes, Italian Passover seders and Idaho Yom Kippur break fasts, Tel Aviv “bus” mitzahs, Be’er Sheva bomb scares, and $1 million Federation pledges…and the like.

To pitching a story send an email to, with a brief description of who you are and a short 5-6 sentence summary of your story. The deadline to pitch a story is Wednesday, Jan. 31.

JTConnect is a learning and social program for Jewish teens in the Greater Hartford area.

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