Southern New England News

Triple Installation at Shir Ami 

Congregation Shir Ami installed, left to right, Susan Nisinzweig, co-president; Rabbi Emerita Vicki Axe; Cantor Jill Abramson, Shir Ami’s new spiritual leader; and Jenny Lake, co-president.

On Aug. 4, Congregation Shir Ami in Greenwich held a pool party and barbecue to celebrate the installation of Cantor Jill Abramson as its new spiritual leader, Rabbi Vicki Axe as Rabbi Emerita and Jenny Lake and Susan Nisinzweig as co-presidents. “I know that you are in loving and caring hands with Cantor Jill Abramson, a true visionary,” said Rabbi Axe in a speech that day. “She brings a depth of wisdom and compassion to everything she does and I am honored to pass the torch of leadership to my worthy successor as I embrace my new role as rabbi emerita.”

Main Photo: Past presidents gathered around retired Rabbi Vicki Axe as they installed her as Rabbi Emerita of Congregation Shir Ami and honored her for her 15 years of leadership. 

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