Obituaries Obituaries


Razel Wolvovsky, 66, passed away Sunday, Nov. 21. She was the mother of Rabbi Yosef Wolvovsky, director of the Harold Rothstein Chabad Jewish Center in Glastonbury. Born Razel Wilhelm, she was the daughter of Rabbi Avraham Dovid and Rivka Wilhelm. Her father was a survivor of the Auschwitz death camp. Her mother was a refugee from the Soviet Union. They married in France where Razel, their oldest child, was born. Later, they moved to the United States and, together, built a large and beautiful family. Razel was an expert and beloved educator. She inspired countless children, instilling within them a love for Jewish tradition. Thousands of families throughout the world live more meaningful and joyous lives because of her. Razel was married to Rabbi Mordechai Wolvovsky. Together, they built a large and beautiful family of their own. Her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren were the pride of her life. She established a special and unique relationship with each of them. Along with her husband, she instilled in her family wisdom and kindness based on the teachings of the Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson. Living in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, Rabbi and Mrs. Wolvovsky opened their home to all. Razel was a gracious and generous host, arranging family and community functions in her warm home. She turned every Shabbat and holiday into a magical occasion. She made everyone feel comfortable, and encouraged them to bring others in. Razel was a joyous people-connector. She introduced hundreds of young women and men to each other, resulting in the establishment of happy Jewish families the world over. She was the center of many circles. Whether it be her siblings or her children, her neighbors or the broader community, Razel was the consumate uniter. She will be sorely missed and lovingly remembered by her family, friends, and all who had the privilege to know her. Razel Wolvovsky’s funeral took place Nov. 22 in Queens, N.Y. Memorial contributions may be made to the Razel Wolvovsky Legacy Fund at the Chabad Jewish Center.

Thelma Shapiro

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