Bulletin Board Southern New England News

WHAT’S HAPPENING – December 15 – January 29

Jewish organizations are invited to submit their upcoming events to the our What’s Happening section. Events are placed on the Ledger website on Tuesday afternoons. Deadline for submission of calendar items is the previous Tuesday. Send items to: judiej@ jewishledger.com.


United Jewish Federation Annual Meeting in Stamford
Guest speaker Archie Gottesman, co-founder of JewBelong.com and the woman behind the times square billboards calling out antisemitism, will speak about the recent rise of antisemitism at the United Jewish Federation Annual Meeting, on Dec. 15, 7:30 p.m., at Congregation Agudath Sholom, 301 Strawberry Hill Ave., Stamford. Also on the evening’s agenda: the installation of UJF of Board of Directors, the State of the Federation Address by David Gordon, and presentation of the Harvey Peltz Leadership Award recipient Seth Tobin. Virtual participation available. Reception to follow. Registration encouraged at ujf.org/annualmeeting21. For information: dianesloyer@ujf.org, (203) 321-1373.


Davis Film Fest presents “The Conductor”
The Davis Film Festival present the drama “The Conductor” co-starring Lior Ashkenazi and Shira Haas. “Stream” tells the story of Noah, a world-renowned orchestra conductor who returns him to Petah Tikvah after 30 years, where he finds his father in a state of progressive Alzheimer’s with singing in the community choir as his only remaining joy. When the choir’s conductor dies, Noah decides to take his place…all the while, he is slowly going deaf. Sponsored by UJA/JCC of Greenwich. Five episodes, streaming Dec. 19 through Jan. 16 at 9 p .m. Tickets: 418


Bluegrass in New Haven
The Bluegrass Characters Revue will present “A Tribute to Phil Zimmerman and Stacy Phillips” at 7:30 pm on at Congregation Beth El – Keser Israel, 85 Harrison St. Also performing is Kol Kahol, a group of young musicians drawing inspiration from bluegrass musicians like Stacy Phillips, as well as contemporary Jewish bands such as the Klezmatics, the Moshav Band, and Nefesh Mountain. Masks required; no food or beverages will be permitted. Admission is free, but the musicians will pass the hat. 


“Some of My Songs” with Mike Latini
The JCC in Sherman presents “Some of My Songs,” a concert featuring Mike Latini with special guest Susanna Marker, on Jan. 8 at 7 p.m. (snow date: Jan. 15, 7 p.m.) The concert will be held indoors at JCC in Sherman, 9 Rte. 39 South. Masks required, regardless of vaccination status. Reservation required: jccinsherman.org, info@jccinsherman.org, (860) 355-8050. Tickets: $20/members; $25/non-members. 


“Sublime Slime!” in Greenwich
UJA-JCC Greenwich will host “Sublime Slime!” For children ages 3 and up on Zoom on Jan. 17 at 10:30 a.m.  Led by Jaden of Jaden’s Craft Shack, kids will be able to customize slime color and scent. RSVP by Jan. 5 to ujajcc.org. Fee: $25/includes complete slime kit (pick p kids Jan. 10-14 during business hours from UJA-JCC office.


Men’s Paddle & Beer Night in Greenwich
Hosted by UJA-JCC Greenwich, Men’s Paddle & Beer Night will be held by the Fire Pit at the new Innis Arden Paddle Hut in Greenwich. Proceeds will help fund the presence of the community’s new security adviser, a program to help make Jewish Greenwich safer, more prepared and proactively responsive to antisemitic incidents. Tickets: $350 For more information or to register: ujajcc.org


“The City Without Jews,” film and musical presentation
Jews are hounded by mobs and driven from Vienna in the 1924 expressionist film, “The City Without Jews,” based on the satirical novel by Hugo Bettauer. World-renowned musicians Alicia Svigals and Donald Sosin will play their collaborative score that has brought audiences to their feet at Lincoln Center, the San Francisco Silent Film Festival, and other venues in the U.S. and Europe. To be held Jan. 29 at 7 p.m. The concert will be held indoors at the JCC in Sherman, 9 Rte. 39 South. Masks required, regardless of vaccination status. Reservation required: jccinsherman.org, info@jccinsherman.org, (860) 355-8050. Tickets: $20/members; $25/non-members.

Teens don’t let COVID stop them from making a difference this Thanksgiving
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Kol Ami Celebrates "Bark Mitzvah"

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