Around Connecticut Southern New England News

Spiritual Healing

In addition to financial support for the communities affected by the devastation of Hurricane Harvey, members of Congregation Beth El of Norwalk were seeking a way to offer spiritual uplift to their fellow Jews in Houston. And so, board member Barrett Lester coordinated a card-writing campaign in which Beth El congregants of all ages (even the children at Beth El’s Nitzvan Nursery School got in on the act!) wrote High Holiday greetings on 100 cards that were then sent to Congregation Or Ami, a small Conservative synagogue in Houston. The cards were decorated with the original artwork of Beth El member Michele Feldman.

CAP: Writing out High Holiday cards to send to a Houston congregation devastated by Hurricane Harvey were Beth El congregants (l to r) Lindsey Rossen,Sharon DeFala, synagogue president Albert Eskenazi with son Caleb, and Jessica Rutherford.

Hartford Federation has a super week
Shabbat Shalom in Trumbull!

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