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Agudath Sholom program receives OU Women’s Initiative Challenge Grant

STAMFORD – A program of Congregation Agudath Sholom in Stamford has won a Orthodox Union (OU) Women’s Initiative Challenge Grant, designed to support the spiritual, religious and communal growth of Orthodox women.

Agudath Shalom’s “Transmitting Torah: By Women…For Women” was one of 16 projects out of 93 applicants chosen by OU, which will underwrite the programs in their communities.

Transmitting Torah is designed to create a cohort of female learners, with a beginners and an advanced track. Participants study, explore, and advance their Torah knowledge and skill together, while developing lay adult educators who prepare divrei torah and shiurim to present throughout the year.

Applications were evaluated based on the creativity of the proposed program, target audience, and whether the project could be replicated in other communities.

“The Challenge Grant is an exciting initiative that captures the positive energy of so many communities,” said Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman, founding director of the OU’s Department of Women’s Initiatives. “The Women’s Initiative is proudly empowering our communities to develop creative approaches to addressing spiritual and communal needs. Once these programs are piloted, they can be offered widely in other communities so that they too can benefit from the wisdom and experience of these successful initiatives.”

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