Jennifer Klau, Ph.D., has been appointed president of the Board of Directors of Mikveh Bess Israel of Greater Hartford.
Previously, Klau has held leadership positions at Beth El Temple and Beth David Synagogue, served on numerous volunteer committees and will continue as marketing communications and administration manager for the Jewish Historical Society of Greater Hartford.
“l am eager to work with the board to maximize the mikveh’s visibility, user base and fundraising in our area. Our goal is to increase the community’s knowledge about and comfort with the mikveh, which we hope will lead to increased use and a healthy financial future,” said Klau.
Established in 1852, Mikveh Bess Israel is a sacred space for ritual cleansing and purification for the Jewish Community. Maintaining a mikveh is an essential obligation for a Jewish community and the Greater Hartford community has sustained this vital institution for over 170 years.
Board President, Shira Eliassian, said, “With Jennifer’s strong organizational skills, communal knowledge and connections, and passion for Jewish life, we know our mikveh is poised to serve Greater Hartford’s Jewish community in an even more meaningful capacity in years to come.”
Jennifer holds an undergraduate degree in communications from Boston University’s College of Communication; an MA in Education and a Ph.D. in Kinesiology from UCONN. She is married to Superior Court Judge Daniel J. Klau with whom she raised three children. They are members of Beth David Synagogue.
Mikveh Bess Israel is a beneficiary agency of the Greater Hartford Jewish Federation and the Jewish Community Foundation.
For more information, contact Jennifer Klau, director@mikvehbessisrael.org or (860) 419-5175. She is available Mondays and Wednesdays.