Obituaries Obituaries


Marsha Indenbaum Goldstein, 79, of Newington, CT and Jupiter, FL, has died.  She was the wife of almost 60 years of Barry Goldstein. Born in Bridgeport, CT, she was the daughter of Albert and Emma Indenbaum. One of her greatest pleasures was spending time with (and baking cookies for) her nine grandchildren. She attended the University of Connecticut where she met her husband. They created a life and a house filled with sports, lively conversations and laughter. The most important part of their lives was their deep love and commitment to family, which they passed down to their three children and grandchildren, taking family vacations with all 17 in tow. She was also deeply committed to her community and improving the lives of others. She went back to school in her 40’s and received a Masters in Community Psychology and went on to help women who lacked proper education and training to develop life and career skills that would set them up for success. After battling and beating breast cancer, she dedicated herself to raising awareness and funding for the Connecticut Breast Health Initiative (CTBHI). She remained extremely active in fundraising, served as co-chair for CTBHI. She championed the causes she believed in with tremendous heart. In addition to her husband, she is survived by her children, Eric Goldstein and his wife Lisa, Joelle Cohn and her husband Ken, Evan Goldstein and his wife Lisa; and, her grandchildren, Morgan, Max, Jakob, Maya, Grayden, Sammy, Ethan, Eliana and Riley; her siblings, Gary Indenbaum, Susan Yammer, Lori Indenbaum and their families. Her warm, caring, loyal, generous and loving spirit will always be with us.


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