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Hadassah installs new officers

Front, l to r: Faith Helene and Deborah Rosenfeld back: Edythe Weiss, Jessica Borden, Adrienne Hopfer, Ellie Norton, Lilda Williams, Regina Karas, Michelle Meyer, Helen Kosmin

Faith Helene and Deborah Rosenfield were installed for a second term as presidents of the Greater Hartford Chapter of Hadassah at a luncheon hosted by the group on May 22 in West Hartford. Judy Schatz, former Hadassah national board member and past president of Western New England Region, led the Installation ceremony.  The 2012-13 board also includes: Jessica Borden, Bette Gutt, Adrienne Hopfer, Regina Karas, Helen Kosmin, Michelle Meyer, Ellie Norton, Edythe Weiss, and Lilda Williams.

Sigel Hebrew Academy elects new officers
Two leading Connecticut rabbis among those honored in Bloomfield

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