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Election Day

The JCSO Board of Directors at the organization’s recent annual meeting

The JCSO Board of Directors at the organization’s recent annual meeting

The Jewish Children’s Service Organization held its annual meeting and installation of officers on May 30. Installing Officer Sandra Rudnicki, a former JCSO president, installed the following officers, who will serve through 2016: Deborah Mehlman, president; Leslie Silverman, first vice president; Marcia Mizrachi, second vice president; Fran Lowenstein, secretary; Donna Bricker, recording secretary; Bonnie Wolfe, corresponding secretary; Sharon Budkofsky, treasurer; Saul Pasternack, assistant treasurer; Faith Helene and Avra Novarr, financial secretaries; Sam Silverman, auditor. Board Members were installed through 2016.

The business meeting was followed by presentation from Drs. Leslie and Samuel Silverman on the timely topic of “Coping Skills in the Face of Trauma.”

Comprised solely of volunteers, JCSO helps families in the greater Hartford area who find themselves in dire situations by providing funds for basic needs such as food, daycare and clothing for children.

For membership information contact Jewish Children’s Service Organization, P.O. Box 370386, Bishop’s Corner Branch, West Hartford 06137-0386.




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