
State of Connecticut to pay tribute to The Rebbe

On Wednesday, July 9, dignitaries and community leaders from across Connecticut will gather at the State Capital to mark the 20th yahrtzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson).

Hosted by Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman, the community-wide program will be held in the Capitol’s Senate Chamber at 5:30 p.m. and is open to all.

“The Rebbe has been described as the greatest rabbi in modern history,” said Rabbi Yisrael Deren, regional director of Chabad-Lubavitch in Connecticut. “Unquestionably, he is one of the greatest religious figures of all time.” As time progresses, Deren said, “the awesome extent of his influence becomes more and more apparent.”

As a result of the Rebbe’s inspiration, Chabad has established thousands of educational and social service centers throughout the world – including 23 In Connecticut. Known as “Chabad Houses,” these institutions stand out as welcoming spaces for all in need. In addition, Chabad Student Centers serve the campuses of University of Connecticut, University of Hartford, Wesleyan University and Yale University.

“In our reflections of the life and legacy of the Rebbe,” said Governor Dannel P. Malloy, “we honor both the Rebbe and his teachings which will inform and shape generations to come, as they have already.”

Former Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, who met the Rebbe on several occasions, commented: “I was impressed by his obvious spirituality, by his soaring intellect, by the extent to which he was involved in the world.”

“By his example and through his teachings, the Rebbe has inspired millions of lives,” said Rabbi Yosef Wolvovsky, Executive Director of the Benet Rothstein Chabad Jewish Center in Glastonbury. “This program will honor the Rebbe by continuing this legacy of education and generosity.”

For more information, call (860) 659-2422 or email Rabbi@ChabadER.com.

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