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Members of Connecticut’s Congressional delegation weigh in on Iran Nuclear Agreement

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Following President Barack Obama’s announcement Tuesday of a nuclear agreement with Iran, members of Connecticut’s delegation, all Democrats, issued statements, noting that they had not yet read the details of the agreement. The Ledger will follow-up with the members, eliciting their thoughts, once they have had a chance to review the agreement.

Senator Richard Blumenthal

“I welcome the announcement of an agreement with Iran after a long and difficult diplomatic road, but the terms now must be carefully and closely reviewed by Congress with the paramount goal of preventing a nuclear-armed Iran. This agreement must be airtight, comprehensive and enduring – and, perhaps most importantly, strictly verifiable and enforceable. While our common hope may be that diplomacy has succeeded in barring an Iranian path to nuclear weapons capability, Congress must apply exacting standards and strict scrutiny, especially given Iran’s history of deceit and international law violations.”

Senator Christopher Murphy

(Senator Murphy is the ranking member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the Near East, South Asia, Central Asia and Counterterrorism)

“The best way to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon is through diplomacy, not war. At a time when the Middle East is awash in crippling violence, we have an opportunity to address one of the most dangerous threats to the United States and the region through a negotiation, and I congratulate President Obama, Secretary Kerry, and their team for the agreement that was reached today. I know it was a long road. Over the coming hours and days, I will carefully review the terms of the Comprehensive Joint Plan of Action ‎to ensure the agreement adequately protects the interests of United States and our allies. And as a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, I look forward to a congressional review process that is fair and deliberative.”

Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty

“I commend President Obama and Secretaries Kerry and Moniz on their leadership in reaching a comprehensive agreement. As I begin to review the agreement, my priority is ensuring that this deal can verifiably prevent a nuclear-armed Iran. As with any nuclear arms deal, we must evaluate this proposal not based on trust and faith, but on cold, hard analysis of what best advances the national security interests of the United States and what best enhances global stability.”

Congressman Joseph Courtney

“Today’s announcement of an agreement between Iran and the P5+1 powers, which establishes conditions to sharply inhibit Iran’s nuclear program, is a hopeful development in a region of the world that needs a new dynamic towards peaceful resolution of conflict. As a supporter of the harsh sanctions regime that brought the parties to the negotiating table, I am under no illusion that Iran’s concessions are the result of any sudden epiphany of goodwill. That is why I voted to undertake a Congressional review process to closely scrutinize this agreement.  Along with my colleagues on the House Armed Services Committee, I will conduct a thorough review of the 150 page agreement to determine if it sufficiently monitors and contains any efforts by Iran to militarize its nuclear program, and maintains deterrents to prevent Iran from considering any straying from the agreement’s obligations.”

Congressman Jim Himes

The agreement announced this morning is the result of two years of negotiations over profoundly important issues of national security. Under no circumstances should anyone rush to judgment. Those who do show their lack of bona fides. Over the coming days, I will review the full agreement, solicit input from experts and my constituents, and will support or reject the deal based on the best security interests of the United States, Israel, and our allies. I will now focus in particular on the strength of the proposed verification regime, the mechanisms for accountability if Iran cheats, and the scenarios should Congress reject this deal.

Congressman John Larson

“I commend President Obama, Secretary Kerry, and Secretary Moniz for taking this tremendous step towards addressing one of the biggest international security threats – a nuclear-armed Iran. This is a historic moment, and I look forward to reviewing these details and discussing them with my constituents. To that end, I will be hosting a forum on Sunday, July 19th at the West Hartford Town Hall.

Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro

“Secretary of State Kerry, Energy Secretary Moniz, President Obama and all the P5+1 negotiators should be applauded for their tireless dedication that got us to where we are today. In a region where armed conflict is all too common it is critical that we use our strength as an international leader to promote our interests, the security of our allies and prevent a nuclear Iran. We must not allow the proliferation of nuclear weapons, particularly in a region embroiled in turmoil. There are many reasons to be wary of the Iranian regime. As a supporter of strong sanctions I will carefully review this deal to ensure it contains the highest standards–not based on trust, but on verification–to keep Iran accountable, allow for rigorous international inspections and ensure that Iran will not have access to nuclear weapons.”

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