Obituaries Obituaries


Judy Lois Selzer of Bloomfield died April 8. She was the wife of Jerry Selzer. Born in Pittsfield, Mass., she was the daughter of Herman Zommick and Rhoda Caplowitz Zommick. The family moved to New Haven where Judy and her brother Larry grew up and where Judy met her lifelong friend, Carol Levinson Novick. She was also predeceased by her daughter Amy, who tragically died at age 30. She will be missed by relatives including her brother, Larry, his wife Marilyn and their children, Rachel Lowinger, her husband Brian and their son, Chance, and Hannah Rosenberger and Hannah’s husband Itai, all in the Seattle area. Larry’s son Daniel lives in the Chicago area with his wife Alyssa and their children Jonah and Ellie. Judy also loved and was loved by Jerry’s family, his brother Mickey, wife Mary and Mickey’s daughter, Molly, her husband Jason Lorber and their son Theo, and Mickey’s sons CJ and Nate.


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