HARTFORD – Jewish Association for Community Living (JCL) held its annual JCL Employee Recognition Celebration at Dunkin’ Donuts Park on June 7. Employees at JCL support 45 adults with developmental disabilities living in group homes, apartments and condos located in West Hartford. Nine employees were specifically honored for helping adults with developmental disabilities participate in community life: Regina Alexander, Angela Benjamin, Luis Lozano, and Stephanie Morales, who have all worked at JCL for five years; Yvonne Gordon, Brenda Jervis, and Deidre Reichenbach for ten years; Kim Breedlove, who has been with JCL for 15 years; and JCL Executive Director Denis Geary, celebrating 25 years with JCL. Shown here are, l to r, Luis Lozano, Stephanie Morales, Denis Geary, Deidre Reichenbach, Yvonne Gordon, Angela Benjamin, and Kimberly Breedlove. Not in photo: Regina Alexander and Brenda Jervis.