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ShalomLearning provides Hebrew school curriculum for free during school closures

WASHINGTON D.C. – With the coronavirus pandemic forcing schools into virtual classrooms, many Hebrew schools were left unprepared to make the transition. Education technology non-profit ShalomLearning has now stepped up to the challenge by providing nearly all of its learning resources for free, ensuring that all children are able to maintain their connection to Jewish values at this trying time.

Launched in 2011, ShalomLearning has been rising at a steady pace over the past five years, but it has skyrocketed in the past month. Since March 9, an additional 210 teachers began using the platform, while the number of students enrolled grew by 2,000 to 7,800 at 154 congregations across North America.

That number is certain to rise even further after the non-profit announced it will provide free access to its values-based lessons designed for the virtual class-room through the end of the school year. 

 “Our number one priority is assuring that Jewish children have the opportunity to learn Jewish values, which are critical to leading a meaningful life,” said Josh Troderman, ShalomLearning’s CEO. “We decided that giving our products away for free right now is the right thing to do as we all work through this situation together.”

 ShalomLearning also trains educators to ensure they feel equipped to teach the curriculum. It has given several free webinars over the past two weeks, with hundreds of Jewish educators in attendance.

 “Whatever we can do to help people who are new to educational technology like ours, we will do,” Troderman added. “The Jewish people become stronger when we all support one another. I learned that in Hebrew school.”

 For information: adina@redbanyan.com or (301) 633-1521. 

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